Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Five Months Old

Today Anna has been on the earth for five months.  It doesn't feel like it's been that long, but at the same time it feels like we've always had her.

She had learned that she LOVES to roll over, and is really good at it.  When we lay her down on the ground to play, we look over a few seconds later and she's on her belly.  Sometimes I wonder if I set her down like that or if she flipped herself over that quickly.

 She is also growing so fast.  Onesies that were too big for her a couple of weeks ago fit her really well now.  Pants that were too long now are just right.  It is so much fun to be able to pull out new clothes for Miss Anna.

She is a bit of a punk though.  Whenever I pull out the camera to capture a giggle, or her huge smile she stops and just stares at the camera.  But, I guess I will forgive her since she is so cute.  She is even cute when she is upset and crying. 


  1. It's a Meyers thing...the not smiling at the camera...I swear. Violet does the same least I know the boys grew out of it and there is hope for Violet as well (and hope for Anna for that matter!)

  2. By the way the first comment is really from Cynthia...for some reason Greg was signed in and I wasn't...
