Sunday, April 28, 2013

Seven Months

Miss Anna is quickly becoming her own little person, with a big personality.  She prefers to sit on her own, and grab her own toys.  When she is in her bumbo, she arches back, pulls her legs in and kicks herself out of it.  She loves being outside and looking at everything that goes on.  When there are lots of kids at the park, she watches them intently. 

She has recently decided that since she smiles so much, she should make a frustrated/mad face every once in a while.  It is so cute.  

She is becoming quite efficient in getting to where she wants to go.  It's not a full crawl, but she's getting really close.  She is best at crawling when she is mad, but it's backwards.  But when there is a toy in front of her that she wants, you can be sure that she will get there in no time.